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Translation Department

TRANSLATION DEPARTMENT INTRODUCTION: Nigeria Arabic Language Village, Ngala (NALV) was established in 1992. NALV is located in the ancient town of Ngala, Borno State. The Nigeria Arabic Language Village, Ngala has the following mandate to: Provide Language Immersion Programme which was designed to replace the One Year oversea Programme for B.A Arabic Students in Nigerian Universities as a requirement by (N.U.C) National Universities Commission. Provide compulsory Arabic Acculturation Programme to all Arabic Language Students in various Colleges of Education across the Nation (as a requirement stated by the National Commission for Colleges of Education) (NCCE). Serve as a focal point for the teaching of Arabic to all interested Nigerians. Encourage research into the problem of learning of Arabic Language in Nigeria: translate to and from the Arabic Language with reference to other languages especially English. Serve as the coordinating Centre for the implementation of every policy of the Federal Government as it relates to the promotion of Arabic Language. Teach out of school children and Sangaya pupils Al-majiri Arabic Language. Serve as a Centre for developing curriculum for Arabic Language. Serve as a Centre for training and capacity building for Arabic teachers and certificates Courses. Serve as a Centre for documentation of Arabic manuscripts in Sub- Saharan Africa. VISION: The Vision of Nigeria Arabic Language Village is to enhance the studies of Arabic Language as an efficient vehicle for communication and an effective tool of International relation and Cooperation for Nigeria. MISSION: The mission of the Nigeria Arabic Language Village is to encourage fluency, Proficiency and competence in the Learning of Arabic Language and Literature in Nigeria under an enabling environment. OBJECTIVES OF NALV: The Objectives of the Village shall be to promote the study and use of Arabic Language in Nigeria by exploring all the relevant and available avenue, potentials and resources to make the Village an effective teaching and Learning Centre for the study of Arabic, and a resource Centre for specialized Professional Services to the Public and Private sectors of the Nigerian economy; and a Nigeria Inter-University Centre for Arabic Studies. PREAMBLE: This Department was established in 2022 for Graduate students of Arabic and other discipline who were proficient in Arabic but to develop their skills in Translation. Academic Objectives of the Department: The course is practice based and the objective is to equip the students with practical knowledge of translation and enabling them to develops skills in the area to make it a career, the lesson plan is designed with the focus of training the students to use theoretical concepts to successfully translate, interaction with professional translators forms a crucial component of the course. Targeted students: The targeted students are those who have at least B.A Arabic but students of other disciplines who have strong Arabic background can be considered. While the students need to be proficient in any language other than Arabic English will be the Language of giving the examples. Proposed Courses Units for Post Graduate Diploma in Translation (PGDT): S/N C/Code C/ Tittle Cred 1 PGDT 801 Introduction to Translation and interpretation Compulsory 3 2 PGDT 802 Translation theories 3 3 PGDT 803 Translation Practice 3 4 PGDT 804 Translation Technique 3 5 PGDT 805 Translation Ethics 3 6 PGDT 806 Translation of Religious Text Electives 2 7 PGDT 807 Translation of classical text 2 8 PGDT 808 Translation of contemporary text 2 9 PGDT 809 Literal Translation 2 10 PGDT 810 Common mistake in English Arabic 2 11 PGDT 811 Translation in digital Era 2 12 PGDT 812 Importance of Editing 2 13 PGDT 813 Final Year Essay 6 PGDT 801: Introduction to Translation: How did translation emerged who is the first translation ever history of translation in Arab world importance of translation history. PGDT 802: Translation Theories: The role of translation in the development of Language and society cultural and socio logical forces contemporary theories of translation. PGDT 803: Translation Practice: In introduction to Art and science of translation. Study of process of translation critical examination and comparison of published literary work study and discussion of writing on translation by literary translators and nonliterary and translators. PGDT 804: Translation Technique: Introduction Borrowing Calque Literal translation Translation Modulation Equivalence Adaption Compensation PGDT 805: Translation Ethics: Professional and personal. Professional: Sexism – Racim – Crude Language offensive content. Personal: Keep a natural scene and be objective. Stay detached from the situation Respect clients right to privacy don’t use or share information disclose any possible conflict of interest. Resist argument. Don’t work beyond known competent level. Don’t relay inaccurate or partial information. Refrain from using specialized position to gain favours from client. PGDT 806: Translation of Religious: Introduction: Dimensions of communication areas of consideration in a study of qur’an. Discovering effective equivalence expressions. Conveying and re-creating Arabic root structures. Red is covering the verbal Trans temporal emphasis of qur’anic Arabic the qur’anic “you” and other express emphasis. Pronominal reference and gender what to do with divine names. PGDT 807: Translation of classical Text: This is practice based course where classical texts will be translated from Arabic to English and vice a versa. PGDT 808: Translation of Contemporary Text: This is also practice based but which much emphasis on contemporary texts of English or Arabic Language. PGDT 809: Literary Translation Introduction/Ideology and literary translation. Translation of Essays Culture in translation/developing your own strategy Translating short story Translating short poetry Translating short Drama Translating Testimonial Translating of Awards Translating children literature Comic Books Translating a Novel Marketing your translation PGDT 810: Common mistakes in translation from Arabic to English to Arabic. The Lecturer should concentrate on pitfalls of translation because of Grammar culture etc. PGDT 811: Translation in Digital era What is digital Language translation role of translation in digital era. Best online translation tools. The pitfalls of digital translation PGDT 812: Importance of Editing How to edit translated text. The Difference between Editing/Revision copy editing and proof reading. Understanding and applying style requirements for documents. PGDT 813: final year Essay: It should be translation of a literary or religious Book provided the examiners committee approves it. المواد المقترحة لدراسة الدبلوم العالي في الترجمة المقدمة في علم الترجمة: كيف نشأ علم الترجمة.من هو أول مترجم -تاريخ الترجمة في العالم العربي -أهمية دراسة تاريخ الترجمة. نظرية الترجمة: دور الترجمة في تطوير اللغات والمجتمعات تأثير الثقافة والمجتمع على الترجمة النظرية المعاصرة للترجمة. الترجمة العملية: المقدمة في علم فن الترجمة - دراسة سبل الترجمة - نقد ومقارنة بعض الأعمال الأدبية المترجمة دراسة لبعض آراء المترجمين حول يالترجمة الأدبية وغير الأدبية. تقنية الترجمة- المقدمة – الاستعارة- البحث. الترجمة الحرفية الإستبدال- التغيير - التكافؤ - الإقتباس –التعويض. آداب الترجمة: الآداب المهنية - كلمات تثير حساسة الجنس الآخر. - كلمات عنصرية - كلمات بديئة - كلمات ذات محتوى مقرف - الآداب الفردية الحيادية: احترام حق الزبون للسرية - لا تستعمل أو تشارك المعلومات - إرجع إلى الزبون للنظر في معلومات متضاربة - ابتعد عن الشجار لا تعمل فوق قدرتك - لا تعيد كتابة معلومات خاطئة . الترجمة الدينية: المقدمة - أبعاد الخطاب - أماكن يجب ملاحظتها في دراسة القرآن البحث عن التكافؤ. إعادة النظر في جذور الكلمات العربية (الصرف). ترجمة النصوص القديمة وهي تخص جميع أنواع النصوص والتدرب على نقلها إلى اللغة الإنجليزية. ترجمة النصوص المعاصرة: وهي ترجمة الأعمال بعض المعاصرين أهمية التنقيح كيف ننقح الأعمال المترجمة - الفرق بين التنقيح والمراجعة وغيرها. الفهم الصحيح واستخدامها المطلوب في ترجمة المستندات. كتابة البحث ويجب أن يكون ترجمة لبعض الأعمال الأدبية أو الدينية بعد موافقة لجنة الإمتحانات على ذلك.